Do you like cheesy garlic rolls? Try this cheesy garlic roll recipe. These delicious rolls are easy to make. Don't worry if you don't have a wood fired oven, they are just as good in a conventional oven.
Place the water and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer and swirl until salt is dissolved. Add the yeast and let it soak for 30 seconds, then swirl to dissolve. Add the flour and mix using the paddle attachment until combined, about 30 - 45 seconds. Remove the paddle attachment, cover the dough with plastic wrap, and let it rest for 20 minutes.
Mix the dough using the dough hook for three minutes on the lowest setting, then mix for another three minutes on the next setting. Remove the dough hook, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rest for 2 hours.
Place the dough in front of you on a flat surface. Pull the dough to the right and left stretching it out about 12 inches. Then fold the right side back over the center of the dough with a ⅓ overlap. Fold the left side over the center with a ⅓ overlap. Turn the dough over and gently form it into a ball. Make sure the seam on the bottom of the dough is closed. Place the dough ball into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rest for 6 hours.
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Gently roll the dough into a rectangle about ¼” thick. Try to get it as close to a rectangle as possible. Brush melted butter and garlic over the rolled-out dough and top with a sprinkle of both cheeses. Roll up the dough (starting with the long edge), then cut into 12 pieces. Place each piece cut side down (so you can see the curled up dough) in an oiled cast iron skillet or baking pan. Top with more melted butter and grated cheese. Bake until lightly golden brown. Serve with soft whipped butter.